Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. A Quick Question

    3. Tag Us For A Discount! 🩷

    4. Intro Video

    5. A Little Tip Before We Start

    1. The Necessary Tools

    2. Eye Anatomy

    3. Lash Hair Foundations

    4. What are Lash Lifts?

    5. What Each Tool Does

    1. Contraindications

    2. Consultations

    3. Consent Forms

    4. Allergies & Reactions

    5. Sanitising

    6. General Precautions

    1. Lash Lift Method

    2. Applying Gel Pads

    3. Finding the Correct Shield

    4. Applying Solution to the Apex

    5. Checking the Hairs

    6. Different Brand Timing Guides

    7. What Went Wrong?

    8. Message Template for Client Complaints

    9. Lash Lift Aftercare

    1. Lash Lift Station Setup

    1. Client Demonstration - Method 1

    2. Client Demonstration - Method 1

    3. Client Demonstration - Method 2

About this course

  • $399.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content